
A Known Devil is better than the Unknown.

Not to be satisfied with whatever we have seems to be a part of human nature. We rarely like our present set of circumstances but appreciate those of others. We also tend to see our difficulties and miseries in magnified proportions while those of others in reverse.

Once a man had a strange dream in which Vidhata, the goddess of Fortune, declared to all persons to dump their bundle of difficulties and miseries to a particular place. Everybody did it very Enthusiastically. Thereafter, the goddess ordered them to exchange their miseries with those of the others, with an option to take back their own. Everybody opted for a Exchange. When it was done they found themselves in a critical position, an old man who hankered after a son, got one; but was immediately turned out of the house by the young man. The poor in exchange of wealth recieved a host of dieases- Indigestion, ulcer, blood pressure and what not! A Foolish man exchange intelligence and his mental agony knew no bounds..a bachelor got a wife and a spinster a husband- their unhappiness was a hundred-fold more!

Slowly but surely it dawned upon them that old miseries like the known devil, are better than the unknown! 

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